Saturday, November 18, 2023

Resolve = RE Solve

                              We now recognize Godzilla as an `Agent of the Law` , where "Law" is the Law of "Cyclicity" * .    But here now the necessity to e-x-p-a-n-d Cyclicity to include Change .  Now Godzilla is the Law of Change .   Take a step toward Gaza City and see War as an 'Agent' of Change -- {and now best to view War as the Greek God Ares} .   We must be ever Mindful that the Ancient Hindus Venerated both Shiva and the Goddess Kali .   Here it is where Death + Destruction GUARANTEE Life Affirming Resolve .   

              We lived the RESOLVE of the VC .  We lived the RESOLVE of  Post-WWII Europe .   We lived the RESOLVE of Japan .  We lived the RESOLVE of South Korea .

               Is Resolve to be found among the Gazans and West Bankers ?

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