Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Know Brain, Know Pain

                         The BIGS and the SUPER-BIGS have yet to deliver a way to convince Trumpians to relinquish their hold of "The Big Lie" .   Maddow's suggestion that you interact with trumpists on something OTHER than politics, that an interpersonal relationship be established and with that PERHAPS an avenue to address their [wrong] thinking may become available, I mean, that's tough----let alone time consuming .   The election is a year [just about] from Now .   Why would you seek an interpersonal relationship with an ASSHOLE ?   {{That was harsh,, sorry}} .  One of my closest Male Friends voted for trump .   When I told him he had E---X---T---E---N---S---I---V---E brain damage he just  laughed .   We haven't discussed trump or Trumpism since .   I confess, it was EXCEEDINGLY Painful to hear him say he SUPPORTED trump .   It STILL hurts .

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