Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Sea Weed ? I wanted SEE Weed !!

                              Clean-up is as close to "Work" {doing something you DON'T what to do, in a place where you DON'T what to be} as I ever get .   It's simply the nasty-like aesthetics that FORCE me into action .   The Garden SHOULD be "Clear, like Space" and if you don't like that one, the Garden is a "Mirror", that SHOULD be dust free and CRYSTAL Clear .   There is RELIEF in the Emptiness of Clean and Clear , the Mind is settled ---  there is Peace {like the surface of a puddle or pond that is without ripple or wave }  .   

            I  got  it  EZ,   in  ancient  New  England  Seacoast  Times,  the  farmers  decided  to  harvest  >> SEAWEED<<  to aid in the fertilization of their various soils .  I can only Imagine the Labor Intensity of such a Labor Intense Endeavor .   Shit, all I `gotta`* do is work myself up into an Extraction FRENZY and sacrifice my body for the General Well Being of the local 'heavies' .   I do not wish them to see me as a fucking LAZY  "ne'er-do-well" {never do well } .   If only I WEREN'T lazy .          

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