Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Earth 1 --- Heaven 0

                              I used that throw-away decking to build {put together} an enclosure .   'Build' is exceedingly generous and 'construct' would be an abomination ,  `put-together` satisfied the image .   I DID try to be precise, I mean I had ALL the levels and plumb-lines and tape measures, all numbering in the tens of THOUSANDS, but in REALITY what exactly was I working with ???????    I have a set of building parameters, the first of which is ------->  DON'T BUY A GODDAMN FUCKING THING .    If Frugality is a Virtue {and it is ,, it SO is ...}  then I am Virtuous BEYOND COMPARE !!! 

            I had one, {count 'em  One [1],,  sheet of quarter inch dirty plywood which I had rescued from a dumpster 2 houses down .  It was a FULL 'sheet' and of UNTOLD Value .   Wrestling it out of the dumpster reached fucking BIBLICAL Proportions and the Effort cost me an entire day --- a day I need to rest, recover, rebuild and refit .   No matter, it was   FREE   and once I tagged it as Arch-Angel the Combat was ON .   Obviously --  I won .


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