Sunday, November 26, 2023

D.A.D. Dumb and Dumber

                             Chris Hayes posed this question to Rachel Maddow, "How do we 'break the spell' ?   It caught me 'off-guard' --- trump's   >influence<   as    >"Spell"<    renders trump not only a "snake charmer" but some sort of Nu-Age* magician / sorcerer .   Trump has bee considered a "Cult Leader",  but that doesn't go far enough nor deep enough since approximately HALF {for Hyperbole's sake} the American Nation BELIEVES that Joe Biden was elected under fraudulent---------------->  circumstances .

            The parallels that exist between, Hitler, Mussolini and Franco [remember him ?] are drawn as relevant  and  significant  but I am doubtful that  "Cult Leader"  satisfies  intellectual  {and scientific} scrutiny .   Hayes  stated that there was a particular syntax, grammar and cadence to their rhetorical oratory .   He came shrt* of declaring that their rhetoric was a form of MUSIC, as "sing-song" idyllic* {where idyllic is used as noun} .  Now we have the "Music" of the Pied Piper as "trance" inducing, and I would argue that this >trance< has SELF-HYPNOTIC indigers* {from indigent} as well, meaning, folks had a LATENT desire to accept ANYTHING that offered Relief from Neo-Platonic Liberalism, the one that proclaims Political Unitarianism in its Democratic Form {mis-perceived by the right as democratic Socialism} as the ONLY true Path toward the Utopia offered in the Declaration of Independence .  Recognize "pre-determinism" as the agent that accepted and then fostered Trumpism, where Trumpism is a state of Political PATERNITY , {"Father Knows Best"} , a state of dictatorial Authority in which OBEDIENCE {I use Obedience instead of Loyalty to highlight Paternity} is valued DESPITE its Psychological Oppression .  



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