Sunday, November 5, 2023

Lightning Rods

                              In a tortuous passage in his The Grapes of Wrath , Steinbeck describes the removal and replacement of a broken 'connecting rod'.   The description is seriously detailed with precision accuracy as 'something' I did NOT expect from Steinbeck .  It was written as if he 'knew' what it was TRULY like to crawl beneath a filthy, oil-laden engine block, and work in only quasi-light to effect a "life and death" repair .   Sometimes just one broken 'push rod' can stop the operation of an entire farm .  Been there, lived there .   

            Take a journey with Robert Frost and he may take you to an old abandoned house, there, he will point out the fire-place mantle and show you its carvings, hand wrought, by some unknown Master --- shunning Prose,,  Frost employs Poetry, such is the nature of his INTENSITY .  A  Poem about an abandoned home, it's decay and degeneration ~~~~~~~~~ go figure .

            Writers in the realm of the lowly worker ,  a realm they seek to elevate to Art , an Art that can survive said decay and degeneration --- but it's not only THAT .   Here it is where the Worker becomes ARTIST, despite the day-to-day toil and drudgery of "just common shit" .   Here it is where Manual Labor itself is Glorified to Ascendant Realms .  Here it is where Work-gone-Art reaches Olympian Heights .  

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