Tuesday, November 28, 2023

The Blessing IS The Curse

                              Know this :  The Blessing IS The Curse .  The  Mahayana proclaims :  "Form is Emptiness, Emptiness is form".   It took me   TWENTY   YEARS   to finally 'apprehend' this Dogma .  I've stolen this `formula` and applied it to   >>blessing<<   and   >>curse<<  .   

            I am referring to the 1st Amendment "Freedom of Speech" which is most assuredly a "Blessing" yet we have [and we ARE] experienced [experiencing]  the savage and BRUTAL 'exercise' of  this Amendment but in its transmogrification .   Here it is where 'blessing' has 'become' CURSE .  

            You can read it :  "What we need is CHRIST in our schools !"   `What we need is TRUMPISM in our schools` .   "In God We Trust" ----   In Trump We Trust .   

            Trump's rhetoric, (and here the use of 'rhetoric' is being generous) is that of a self-deluded and blatantly MANIACAL --------> CRIMINAL !   And yet he is Believed to be THE ONE AND ONLY who can deliver AmeriKKKa from the grasp and clutches of heinous liberals whose Intent it is to move America's Society and Culture from "Animal Farm" `proclivity` to Garden of Even >>> Utopia .   





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