Saturday, November 18, 2023

Miss Chee Vus

                             I have claimed the prosperous preposterous :  "My God is God Zilla" .   Yesterday aft, while reclining in Chairy-Chair an "it" arrived with mischievous suspicion .   Here it is :   Godzilla is the Japanese "Big Bad Wolf".   I know rite ?   How amazing I am, how wondrous and bucolic .

            It can be seen that Godzilla is manifestation of not only  Death + Destruction but Rebirth and Regeneration as well .  {Shiva and Kali} .   It is Imperative to imbue Godzilla these Cosmic Characteriations .  Godzilla surfaces from the Depths of the Japanese Collective UnConscious to remind them that Life has its                                           Denizens .    Despite Japanese Modern Military Sophistications* the Wrath of God Zilla reduces Modernity to its Molecular Origins .   Here it is where Japanese INNOCENCE is of NO Consideration to the Giant of Gore .   ALL fall .

            Not one Japanese Innocent is observing ;   "Oh Grandfather what big teeth you have".  No and FUCK NO .   They recognize Godzilla for what he is =  CHANGE .


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