Wednesday, November 29, 2023

"The Pinball Wizard and the Miracle Cure"

                             I believe we can reach the conclusion {with RELATIVE safety} that trying to change the mind of devout trumpists is like trying to change the minds of those Devoted to their Religion .   You `aint-gonna` do it --- not with words or speeches, so if not with words or speeches,, CAN the minds of trumpists {or any other fanatics} be changed to first 'straighten' them and then `bend` them toward a healthier socio-religio-political lifestyle ?   We've encountered this Condition before .   Recall that Moses and his used Heaven's Sorcery in the Court of the Pharaoh to try and convince them that THEIR Power [and here Power is the Power of Miracles] was  GREATER  than that of  Pharaoh's Magicians and Sorcerers .    Recall how the Bon in Tibet were defeated by Buddhist Miracles .   Miracles Transform !  

            Does Biden and his have access to Miracles ?                 

            You can see the problem .  

            Joe aint no "Pinball Wizard" .

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