Saturday, November 4, 2023

Trade Wins

                             I have wondered about my life, who among us hasn't ?   I have found Wonder in the choice of my parents ,  one a basic illiterate , the other a 'Jack of All Trades' who commanded Crossword Puzzle Wizardry but had the 'working vocabulary' of a 6th grader .   I have his love for words, yet when I got to the BYG* School  I had to learn HOW to write and worse, about WHAT to write .   I chose to be an English Major, solely because I LOVED to Read .   BUT, as Phil bastardly* pointed-out,  "You suck at your Major ".   I had no denial .   I did .

            I was brought-up around the Trades = Carpentry, Electrical, Plumbing and later on Welding --- all of which were of little or NO 'use' for the English Major's 'Tasks-at-Hand' .    Junior Year, the Year I was on "Academic Probation",  I had TEN 10 page Papers, BOTH Semesters .  One word ,   obsequious HORROR .   I don't know how I managed, Truth is, I didn't .

            And then "Blogs" 'came about' .  I had to write, but THIS time, "IT" was on MY 'terms'.  Being a Journalist, {Diarist} proved to hold a TREASURY of Resources -- one of which was , `The WILL to Express myself ` --->  in an INTELLIGENT Fashion, a one where my Education HAD-TO-BE the Foundation upon which the blogs could be erected .   Not only THAT but Twitter allowed {a loud} me Homerian Expression {if Homer had Milton as Mentor} .  One word ;  "Win / Win" .

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