Thursday, November 2, 2023

The King and Aye

                         I'm working on "The Pledge of Allegiance" .   Here's the 1st line :  `I pledge allegiance to the Lie of the United States and to the Dysfunction for which it stands` .   I am nothing if not caustically sardonic {is there any other kind ?} , ragefully* bitter,, and furiously exasperated .   

            Elsewhere I have claimed that trump IS the RULER of America, in all his gaud* and clamor .   Now we have mike johnson as his Commanding General , a one who is trump's puppet, made of would {as in 'He would do anything' to advance trumpism},, yet another sub-human, whose heart, if it can be tagged as such, has risen from the Depths of Hell wherein Suffering, Pain and AGONY is to be wrought upon INNOCENTS , the mild and meek mannered who desire only the wealth of Health and the Food of Good .

            With the Mil out of reach for the time being, johnson and his have gained Control over the Treasury .   Vital Aid to Ukraine, Israel and Palestinian Relief is at the beck and mercy of only a FEW democracy idolaters , whose only Ambition is the Destruction of America's Constitutional Republic in such a way that GUARANTEES the `making` of  Psychotic Criminal Despotism .   


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