Wednesday, November 29, 2023

The Miracle CURSE

                             Rightly and rwongly* "Make America Great Again" has been identified {Miss Identified} as 'slogan' , motto, propagandal* exhortation and on MY `side` as both Mantra AND Curse .   Yesterday, on my Thought Wall, I rwote* `Is the c-u-r in cure the same or different from the c-u-r in curse ?`  Indeed, this morning's topic for Consideration was SUPPOSE-TO-BE solely on THAT .   Well CLEARLY that THAT 'got away' from me .   As I walked about to ease my back, this arrived, "Trump is the Cur who cast the CURSE " .    {They can't all be Gems} .  

            I'm stuck on great as GRATE --- which then makes PERFECT Sense ESPECIALLY when the Curse is delivered by trump .   

            Once again we have arrived at the Intersection of Romance and Reality, brought there by the Vehicle of Explanation .   Unfortunately {or Fortunately} I am susceptible to Simplifications that themselves have been REDuced* to children's Mentality--- the one of Cartoon and "Magical Thinking".  Here it is where the depiction of trump as a demi-godish* Villain, along the lines of "Snidely Whiplash", rumbles and rambles through my tiny monkey brain as God-Zilla among the Japanese "Lilliputians" .   Once I identify trump as Snidely Whiplash it becomes INEVITABLE to tag Joe with "Dudley Do-Right" and Democracy as "Nell" .   

              I have issues--------------SERIOUS fucking ISSUES .


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