Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Tit for Rat

                             We know "closeness".   If we didn't accept flaws, shortcomings, blemishes, and damages none of us would 'get laid' .   Huey Lewis and his News broadcast, "Ain't no livin' in a Perfect World" which I have bastardized >>>  Aint no livin' with a Perfect Girl .   There was a telling scene in "Seinfeld" --  an older gentleman confesses, "I don't mind her goiter , but she put TWO teaspoons of sugar in her tea, and I just can't get passed that."  

            I basterdized "tit for tat" with > tit for rat < . The rat wants that raw tit at all costs , so he accepts whatever hardship may befall him in that endeavor .   We GLADLY accept failings and shortcomings because of the L-A-R-G-E-R "picture" ,  sex and companionship .   We NEED 'closeness and will do WHATEVER it takes to gain TOTAL Intimacy .   In this, one's Intimate becomes "I" dentification , the other as manifestation of one's Self to the extent that the 'other' DEFINES one's self and worse, one's World View .


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