Thursday, November 30, 2023

"Inside Out"....

                              "Nothin's gonna come out that wasn't in there in the first place" --- Anon.   So it is with Trumpists, Fascists, Naziists* and Alcoholists* .   All of us have heard stories of "mean drunks", folks who  have  a   "Jekyll and Hyde"   'Condition'  exposed during bouts of drunken--Ness* .    A drunk is mean because Mean is a part of his-or-her Psychological State of Being .   The alcohol merely uncovers this state .   Some would argue that Trumpists have a 'susceptibility' to be duped {led astray}, a 'childlike' Innocence that deflects blame {and cowardice} away from them .   Trump doesn't just 'represent' them, he is Manifestation of their Psyche , a PROOF of dys-development* .   [[ I wanted to write >mental deformities< but that MAY imply some Physical Attribution that actually WOULD relieve them of Responsibility {so I mean, there's THAT}]] .  


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