Wednesday, February 28, 2024

"Questions 67 and 68"

                              Ya-gotta* ask yourself, "Will Biden leave the WH should trump win ?"

            ONE HALF of the Nation BELIEVES 2016 was STOLEN by the democrats---that, Biden is NOT the "True" POTUS .    They ain't-gonna take NO for an Answer .   

            Remember Flynn ?  Remember what Comey did to Hilary ?   We KNOW that seasoned military veterans were among the Insurrectionists who tried to overthrow the Gov. on Jan. 6 .   Comey and Flynn are PROOF of Federal Officials that harbor trumpism within their Psyches .   

            Can Biden TRUST the Mil ?


Kent State

                              The BIG Brains and the SUPER-SMARTS have begun preparing us for the `Bloodshed of 2024` .   CNN's BEST showed a clip of a trumper who told Vaughn that should trump NOT be elected then a TAKEOVER of the White House will be INEVITABLE and Blood WILL BE SPILLED .  The trumpist told Vaughn, 'first the White House then the State Capitols'.   I sat STUNNED ------- my mouth agape .

            The 2024 E* will NOT matter, since,  trump's gonna-be considered President REGARDLESS of any Tally .  

            Biden and his will have NO CHOICE, save to invoke the Insurrection Act which allows Fed. Troops to   >>>police<<<   civilians .

            Think that won't happen ??

                                                            REMEMBER KENT STATE 


                                                                "Four DEAD in Ohio"

Monday, February 26, 2024

The 'con' in 'Confirmation'

                              I WANT to write , `Be careful, some 'Chicks' will turn-out to be 'Hens', in which case they will "Hen Peck" you .  Clearly some Chicks also become "Mother Hens"-- those that 'fawn and dote' over their children and even their ADULT children .   Not cool .

            Thing  with THAT is this ;   Is the statement, "Some  chicks  become  Hens"  a  UNIVERSAL TRUTH ?    I doubt it, which makes the statement an OPINION and NOT a Universal Truth .   You can see it rite* ?

    then the thing becomes an expression of one's experience and [obviously] NOT a Universal Truth .   Now the Validity is checked by "Consider the Source" --- is the Source of the opinion to be Trusted [?] i.e., is he or she 'Trust Worthy' [?]  worthy of Trust ?

             How do you 'test' for THAT ???????



The "ill" in guilt

                              The mornings pass,,,,,  I sit and wonder why I have nothing about which to write when in FACT there are SERIOUS Topics I feel a need to address ---  for many Reasons .   There is a Line --  a Line between Journal Entry and Internet Worthy .  That Line is like a noose around my neck , it's strangling me .

            I FEEL as if I have a Duty to the World , an Obligation to report personal experiences that have Value as Universal >>Affirmations<<  --- those that aid not only in Understanding but as Expressions of Universal Truths .   

            The Problem is this =  Is Truth for ME , the SAME as Truth for YOU ?   I have written elsewhere that Truth, itself, is Relative --- if it's Relative to the Observer,,[then] can it be claimed as Universal ?  Exactly , what is the Test for Universal Validity ?   The Test for Universal Validity is >>> Time<<< .   We say, "It has withstood "The Test of Time" .   Has 'it' been PROVEN as Truth with regard to DURATION ?  Has the Truth been 'apparent' and 'RELEVANT' throughout [recorded] History ?   

            Is Universal Truth RELEVANT to PERSONAL Circumstances ?   If so, How ?

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Clusterfuck Gibberish

                              There' no point in writing if all you can generate as text is clusterfuck gibberish --- no one can read it,,, nor is Understanding even a REMOTE possibility .   I've been rwiting* here, on the Internet, since 2012 .  I have scant-few readers, as if what I've been rwiting is ALSO clusterfuck gibberish unworthy of Reader dilection* .   Even 'cyber' 'friends' don't read me .   2 words, I can't be any good .



Thursday, February 22, 2024

"The First Sentence"

                              Either Sylvia Plath or Virginia Woolf once said, "I've found the first sentence" ... then she turned away from her husband and retired to her study.   

            It may take DAYS to "find the first sentence" .   

            There ARE 'things' "better left unspoken" ...  but then what ?

            I KNOW where these 'things' belong, in my Journal, but again I ask,  then what  ?

            For me, writing acts like a bandage, it stops a pierced Heart from bleeding all over everything .   But I wonder, can MY bandage be of use to Others ?   I mean, is it the bandage or the words ? 


             And then there's this "Prison Sentence".......................... .     

Tuesday, February 20, 2024


                              Pirsig had given a writing assignment to is students--something about the architecture of a building... .  It gave this one girl, fits and starts .   Within a week she'd visited Pirsig almost everyday, complaining she just couldn't find anything to write about .  Out of frustration he told her >ONE BRICK-WRITE ABOUT ONE BRICK< ,  a couple of days late she returned, this time with TWENTY-FIVE PAGES and plopped* it on his desk .   She flared, "HERE'S YOUR BRICK".

            The word, "Focus" gets us to 'There' .   It's  all  she  needed  to "hone-in" on  just  ONE  'thing' .   Writing in a Journal or Diary helps you to "get there" where 'there' is a Space of Information .   What Journaling does is CONCRETIZE {to make Concrete} your thoughts, to make the Invisible VISIBLE .  The Act of Writing IS --->  Focusing .   You can LITERALLY "see your Mind" .  

            You might ask, "What about 'Actions speak LOUDER than words' ? " .   There is a 'default' Position :  it is this --->  "The Ink of Scholars is MORE Valuable than the Blood of Martyrs" .   There is a certain amount of Nobility in Journaling* .   I treasure that .

The Diary of B. Frank

                         There's another method to achieve CONCRETE results, it is Journal-ing, AKA, 'keeping' a Diary ~~~  there's a Difference .

            Seated Mediation "locks-you-in" to a Space and is SUPPOSE-TO help restrict the 'Thinking Mechanism' by such Space confinement .   I have ALWAYS found Seated Zen to be UN-Comfortable BUT conforming to ITS ---> Restrictions is a NECESSARY Obligation to Training DUTY, and here, this 'Duty' is to One's Self .   

            In high school there was NO Evidence that I could 'write'.   We didn't "have-to" .   Compositions and Essays were INFLICTIONS of  unreasonable TERROR perpetrated on us by good intentioned* Teachers .   However, there was a day ...  it  was  the  First Day  at  U.Conn.  the  day  we  arrived  and moved in .

            I had just returned from the Bookstore and ploped* books and notebooks on my desk .   I saw a notebook and heard my-self say, "We should keep notes..." .   I never stopped .


The Apple of my Ire

                              I have a ton of material stuck in drafts .   Much of it is raucous {raw cuss} clusterfuck bombast, typical shit that is both bother and trouble some .  It won't develop into any sort of USE-ABLE* ideation* but stays suspended, mid-air, an apple that won't conform to Gravity's Insistence .   

            I have wondered about "HOW" .   In reference to "Looking into one's self..." :   "HOW " is that 'done' ?    The technical term for "looking into one's self" is "Introspection" .   Of course the "High Bar" for Introspection is "Inner Vision" ---  which is glamorized by Stevie Wonder and his "Inner Visions" .  The `low bar` is NOT ' glamorous in ANY way, and manifests as simple questions one asks one's self on a daily basis in a half-assed manner, because the answers are ALREADY known.  

            Habitual Thinking IS "attachment" and much of THAT is "Attachment to 'Name' and 'Form', the first REAL Attachment that obstructs both Knowledge and Wisdom .   Attachment to Name and Form can be confronted with just ONE Question :  "Who am I" and this Question is offered by Zen Masters to break that Attachment .   There is a great 'next' ;   "What did you look like BEFORE you were born ?"   

            These Questions are to be "held", by the motivated Seeker,  through-out the course of the day---EVERY day, until a suitable answer "Arrives" .   

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Tit for That

                             'It' must have been a `Perfect Moment`.. a Moment of Perfection, the ALL of EVERYTHING that 'got' ice-welded into my UnConscious* .   This Moment had enough Energy to move me IN TIME to Amherst and Back Again .   Remembrance as a LIGHTNING BOLT of Mind Energy .   

           We've 'gone through' the "Dark Ages"--- now we must tag our present Condition as the SECOND Dark Ages .   

           We've already experienced the Covid-19 PLAGUE .   Apparently we are "Right On Time" .   

            Amherst is Perfection, I mean, you GOTTA figure that.   Amherst as Truth of Being .  I wasn't just IN Amherst I WAS Amherst .   Now this :  "Being" as Perfection .   

            "IT" was "That" .

The Hat In The That

                              I can feel a 'hyper-consciousness' .   There is pure sensation, the sensation of a light-headed stomach, prickly forearm skin, shallow breathing and a quasi-dizziness that standing on one foot abrupts* .   I was INSIDE Amherst --- the sidewalk crunch of sand and salt --- ancient New England in the air, covering my eyes, dampening my face ;   at the end of the Green, a lazy fog                          .... .

            Yesterday I made another Effort at describing the 'Universal Round'.   I left a tag on FB :  "In the Ultimate End, there is ONLY The CONTINUUM ."    

            Describing the 'Universal Round' is my Effort to impart at least SOME Optimism with regard to the QUANTUM Shit Hole in which the Planet has dug for itself [with OUR help, of course] .   I thought about offering EXCUSES for the clusterfuck that now defines our socio-political Condition .    THAT was a Struggle .   

            I mean,,,, the number of 'BIG BANGS' must {?} be Infinite .   I mean, there's THAT .!



Billy Pilgrim

                              Yesterday was my birthday .   Even during my rwiting* session I lost+found myself in a Billy Pilgrim vortex .   I was traveling, out of control, to Amherst, Mass., the Location of the University of Massachusetts .   It was the snow .  It was gentle, as if  were unscented baby powder, or that sugar that bakers use, confectionery sugar I think, the fluffy white dust .   Inside looking out then on Main Street in Amherst, the sky laden with gunmetal gray, the smell of "Ice Melt" before the entrances to the local shops.   Then back        standing         unable and unwilling to move .   

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Bound by Round

                              It  ain't  the   "Merry"-Go-Round    so  perhaps  it's  better  to  note,  "Sadly"-Go-Round .    The Nature of the Universe is that of Cyclicity* , hence, the "Universal Round" .  

            We've learned that Miss Justice is a Black Woman who chose to wield a 4 foot length of 1 inch lead pipe rather than her Excalibur .   The Loss is OURS .   

             From  behind  the  rostrum  she  proclaimed,   "Justice has been served".    No---------far from it .

             There was no leg sever   ance, merely a pipe shot to his knees --- hobbled--- not much more .

             What  >>> I <<<    wanted was a Khan "I STRIKE THEE AT THY HEART"  Thrust   that would pass through not only his HEART but into his Coal-Soul .

              Zen Master Jagger soothes, "You can't always get what you WANT..."







'Blood Pudding'

                             We all want to believe that there IS an "Once-and-for-all" Finality that can/will actualize "Never to Return".  We'll,,,,, there isn't .   

           There's a famous Zen kong-an {Korean -- koan in Japanese] :   "The 10,000 things return to the One, to where does the One return ?"    This is fairly simplistic because it is directly straight-forward .   Once you 'get-by' that the One MUST Return, it's solves itself  :  =   " the 10,000 things" .

            In this Cemetery we find JB, Hitler, trump, the American Civil War and really ALL WARS .    Hitler is dead but NOT Hitlerism, the same is and will be the Truth of JB and dj .  There IS no TRUE Extinction for them .   We are living in that Proof.  {{{The Proof is in the Pudding}}} .

"There's a 'lie' in believe"

                             Superficially, "JBMD" is a lament for Alcoholics who tried to "give-up" booze and failed, "JB" "proved to be the stronger man" .   "There were 3 men" who committed themselves to Abstinence, and in so doing attacked JB with plows, and harrows, and shears and scythes, in a scorch-earth Vengeance to ERADICATE JB once and FOREVER .   Both Cruelty and Torture found themselves enmeshed  within the  Structure of Vengeance  and were UNLEASHED by the 3 {Less than Knowing} Men .   

            Victory was perceived as IMMANENT --  until ......................... .

            THAT'S  my  Fear,  although   Fear   doesn't   EXACTLY   represent  my  stomach-turning                                                DREAD .

            You gotta figure trump and trumpism has ALREADY achieved IMMORTALITY .   Trump is BIGGER than "John Henry" and HUGHER than Paul Bunyan .   Trump has ALREADY achieved his "Apotheosis" .    

            His People BELIEVE and MANY will WILLINGLY sacrifice their lives for him .  

            Stevie Wonder bemoans, "Believers,,, keep on Believing"................................ .


John Barleycorn and Alex Navalny "MUST DIE"

                              Nalvaldy has been murdered .   Trump has been pipe-kneed, no Oedipal Complex satisfaction whatsoever .  Navaldy is WORTHY of the term "Martyr" while trump WILL receive "Martyr" benefaction .   I figured, as did everyone else, that putin  "WOULDN'T DARE",,   it's the same with the American Electorate who   "WOULDN'T DARE"   elect trump .    So much for, "Wouldn't Dare" .

            I KNOW the Death of Nalvalny is linked {Cosmically} to trump's only-partial dismemberment ---had I the talent to access Steve DeSilva's Jungian Perspective I could actualize some form of Parallel .   Instead, my Fears are front and center on the Stage of New York's BROADWAY ,  the Place of trump's MURDER of Presidential Dignity .   "It's" there, I know it is...but ....... .

            On the "JOHN BARLEYCORN MUST DIE" album can be found Winwood's "Traditional Arrangement" of "John Barleycorn Must Die".   This "ballad" approaches White Boys' Spiritual with Wisdom-churning zeal .   You GOTTA figure that the Message of this song is THE INTENT of Winwood and his .   

Wednesday, February 14, 2024


                              In MY tiny monkey brain Biden is a scrawny 'David' and trump is a Steroid-Freaked Goliath .   When the Bible stories that a sling and stone felled Goliath we WANT to BELIEVE .   It's quite the ROMANTIC Vision, and it MAY have happened just as the Bible describes.  BUT  MY David is TOOO OLDE to wield sling and stone with ANY Precision .   So NOW What ?

            Broadcasters and guycasters* have been near apoplexy when trying to warn us of the Threat of Democracy Annihilation should trump Ascend {ass end} once more .   They call upon weakling demockrats* to CONFRONT trump and remove him from his Idiot-ideology .   I say, no way .

            Trump is a fucking BRUTE who wields BRUTE FORCE .   The Call to Arms must be heard by Those of POWER ---  Generals, Governors, Secretaries of States, DOCTORS, PSYCHIATRISTS and UNIVERSITY PRESIDENTS, who the MUST provide the Weapons that CAN Defeat Trump AT HIS SOURCE .   

             This is Joe Biden's LINCOLN MOMENT --- to amass an ARMY of Democracy WARRIORS and Lead them {from behind} into the CIVIL WAR that IS America's  Hell .

A-Causal Stupefaction

                            Dr. Joseph Campbell would have us look at trump's Demons in order to secure a better understanding  of  his     Dementia --- certainly,  BUT  how  about  acknowledging  those  whom  he REVERES ??????   Trump is the SERVANT   {SERVE-ANT} of both Hitler and Stalin and I would inject, "Pol Pot"--  remember HIM ????? ... and this servitude includes PUTIN .   Here it is where Human Atrocities are VENERATED as VIRTUOUS .    Plainly :  Cruelty as VIRTUE .   

            This THIS is ALMOST the Why and How of trumpism --- a stellar DISREGARD for normative TRUTH and the INSTINCTUAL Reliance upon A-Causal Stupefaction .


"We'd just be idiots, talkin' nonsense" --- "Ted"

                              Folks are declaring that the Election, "Will solve the Problem [of trump]".    I call, "ASS-SHIT" !!!  Look at what has transpired to date... .   Even IF there is a "Landslide" in Biden's favor, it will be SUMMARILY REJECTED by trump and trumpists THROUGHOUT THE NATION !   To seek validation from the Judiciary is a FOOL'S Errand ---   TRUMP OWNS THE SUPREME COURT and perhaps HALF the Federal Court System IF NOT MORE .   Trumps points to his justices and snides, "Say Hello to my Leetle Friends " .



                             Somewhere in the 'Out-There' I rwote* a blog about Description.   How about this one : Des-cryption * implying that there is a code within every description that can be used to secure deep Meaning .    This is why I have taken the time to Dys-scribe* trump .   

            You certainly DON'T 'need' to know how an engine works to operate a motor vehicle but if you are  Mechanic there's a WHOLE Different Realm that must be explored and CONQUERED .   So it is for those of us INTENT upon identifying flaws and weaknesses within the Body and Mind of our ENEMIES .


              2 Questions :   How is he to be stopped ?


Sunrise in the West

                             We saw trump on the escalator---someone should have suggested : "Decent into Madness" .

            We say that [actor] performances can be "captivating" or even "spellbinding" .   Can you see it ?

            Trump's "Decent Into Madness" was IN-FACT, "Captivating " AND Spellbinding" and I would add one more, "Electrifying" {so that Mid Westerners can be seen as being FRIED by trump's 'electrifrying*' words] .

            Trump "arrived" in Hitlerian Splendour* {splendor ---> splen-dour} --- a man of a [quasi] patriotism, {patriarch-ism*} --- a man who was able to cloak his Savage Cruelty with the mantle of [self-imposed] Divine Benefaction .    He EXUDED Paternal Sovereignty, the one of Ancient Rome, where Fathers treated their children like cattle, ox and sheep and yet the Mid Westerners STILL considered him, "One of US".   "Father, the God ALMIGHTY".          

'The Facts of Strife'

                              You can see it rite*?    The Definition of Justice B R O A D E N E D to encompass Compensation, and a Rebuilding that INCLUDED the Zombies --- that is ---once the Effects of the SLAUGHTER had evaporated .   It never happened because it COULDN'T 'happen' .    These folks, good, honest, and DECENT folks, were slaughtered mercilessly by THEIR VERY OWN--- 'Sacrificed" [as it were] to the Gods of Capitalism >  Profit and Bottom Line .    And here now a MUST Recognition that 'sacrifice' MEANS >>>  Abandonment .    

                   Take it from one MILLION Psychologists and Psychiatrists :  

                                                  "Rarely, if EVER, do the Abandoned recover" .   

"Tombstone Territory"

                         The depiction of  Miss Justice holding trump's head DOES satisfy Barbarian Steve .   It IS 'short-lived' however, Reality bites .

            Folks have lost their incomes, and with that Financial Loss is the Loss of their Lives --- in this, the forces of Global Capitalism have committed Whole-scale* SLAUGHTER .   But IS the movement of business to overseas facilities a CRIME ????    Of course not  but OF COURSE    IF   You are among the financially slaughtered .   

            Middle America is now the "Rust Belt" .   Industry unburied cadavers litter the heavily defiled Lands like Tombstones in a cemetery, indeed, this IS   "Tombstone Territory" .   

            The people are the "Walking Dead", zombies, with only one cry , "Where is JUSTICE ???"

...a Nation STARVED for Justice... OR "I just want one SOMETHING"

                               I can't figure-out exactly what Justice IS !   What is it EXACTLY that Americans NEED to FEEL as if Democracy is WORKING ???!??? 

            We have that iconic depiction of a BLINDFOLDED  Miss Justice  holding a  scale in one hand and an Excalibur in the other .      You wanna figure this Symbol does indeed represent  the Ideal of Justice, a Broad with a Sword INTENT on achieving  Relief-from-Suffering that ONLY  Punishment  can supply.   

            You gotta ask yourself, "What the fuck GOOD is her Sword if she's BLINDFOLDED ?   Even BRILLIANT Sword Masters are reluctant to blindfold their students to execute an apple  or watermelon cut .     

            An upgrade to Miss Justice would be to have her drawn by Frank Frazetta .   She would be heavily muscled,  scantily clad and DEFINITELY 'full chested' UN-blindfolded, with the freshly hewn head of donald j trump in her left hand held high for the All to see .      

             I'm jus' sayin' ... .

The Killing Fields

                              You wanna believe that trump is in the middle of the "kill zone", that, like Custer, he  will succumb to the Inevitability of Death .     I ain't "feelin' it" .

            You wanna believe that SURELY, trump will be dragged down into the Hell HE CREATED, the one of Spell-binding Horror, the one of Instinctual Barbarism, where an "Eye for and Eye" is Jungle Combat Baptism .   

             You wanna believe that "The Noose is tightening" and soon he will be left dangling in the Public Square, a Message to the Insurrectionists that "No where to run to, nowhere to hide" is the POWER of Judicial Preeminence  .   

             I mean, you wanna .............. .               

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Invisible Soul

                              My recurring dreams indicate that I can't find my vehicle despite KNOWING where I'd parked it ; nor where its keys are .   There's another set of recurring dreams in which I find myself as a construction laborer helping to build a house .   Then there's a set of recurring dreams within which I am afoot in a distant county where I have no vehicle at all .  Here, I figure I can walk home in spite of a VAST Distance .   Lastly, there is a set of recurring dreams where I find myself back at the farm, managing an extensive retrofit .   WTF am I doing THERE ??????? 

            In the first :  the car is lost .  In the second, the keys are lost .  In  the  fourth, I am LITERALLY lost .  In the fifth, I'm in a place where I thought I would Never-Be ---> Lost in time .

            Steve Winwood :  "...when your Soul is in 'The Lost and Found' ..." 

            From Blind Faith :     "...and I can't find my way home..."



"No Mind, no matter. No matter, no Mind"

                              I can't 'get goin' '.   Titles and stories and themes, oh my .   I've spent the last several days rearranging the books according to their topics .   I've wished that THAT would ease me into a rwiter's* equilibrium wherein as least SOME text can "arrive" with safety .   My Problem is and always has been one thing :  Moodiness .    I am chained to my own Moods .   One word :  not good .

            There's this :  "To be subject to one's `moods and fancies` ...  further I would add, "fits and starts".

             There is also a point at which you stop "Aging" and start "Approaching Death" --  extreme but Real .  I may be close ... I mean I don't WANT "to be close" but what I WANT doesn't matter .  So, I'm continually questioning myself, "What DOES Matter ?"  {It's like a Zen 'knog-an' {Jap. koan} .


Friday, February 9, 2024


                              Check this out from the Shambhala Dictionary of Buddhism and Zen : 

             "In Tibetan Buddhism great scholars are considered incarnations of Manjushri .  Homage is frequently made to Manjushri... at the beginning of philosophical texts ... .  He is thus the symbol for the experience of enlightenment as manifested in intellectual exposition ."  

             "His attributes --- a Sword and the Prajnaparamita.  These attributes stand for the Wisdom embodied  by  Manjushri,  which  dispels  the  darkness   of Ignorance ."  {Here, the Sword CUTS Ignorance} .        

            "Uhh Houston ?  All systems are nominal ."          

Hugh's Ton

                             I fancy myself a "man of letters" .   

            This from the Cambridge Dictionary and Wikipedia :

"He was a man of letters and a knight {paladin}, concerned for both the spiritual and saecular health of his underlings ."

            I din't even KNOW I had "underlings".   

            Here I must put IRON in Irony .   Zen is "No dependence on words or letters".  Can you see it ?  To be a "Man of Letters" is to be the OPPOSITE Zen's Intention, since letters, words and sentences positioned onto paper and screens are born from THINKING which is considered PROBLEMATICAL to the True Zen Experience of "NO Thoughts No Mind".  

            "Uhhh Houston ?     We have a problem !"


                               What follows are a few sentences from Vasiliev's History of the Byzantine Empire . 

              "His signal service was to raise many interesting questions concerning the internal history of the Byzantine Empire .   Finlay's work is interesting even today, in spite of the fact that he studied Byzantine history only as a preparation for writing a history of modern Greece .

              A man with a keen and observant mind, a student of law and political economy rather than a professional scholar....

              No work produced by either an ordinary scholar or an ordinary politician, Freeman concluded, could eve come near to the native strength and originality of the work of a solitary thinker, studying, using, and recording events of two thousand years in order to solve the problems which he saw at his own door .

             [Finlay's distinction]  ...the attempt to explain by means of ancient survivals in the present time, analogous phenomena in the Past . "

             Truly     I want to resemble those remarks .

"Lightnin' " Rod Serling

                              Yesterday I finally confessed that I live in the Twilight Zone .   You gotta figure that's truly 'fucked-uP' {phuqed-uP} , I mean , even I think it's whacked .   Thing is, its a Safe Place not only for my Thoughts but my Thinking as well .     I am in the "Twilight" of my life anyway :  at 72 "Dawn" is a ravagely* distant memory and getting THERE requires an escape from Historical Reality --- so I DON'T go to There unless I absolutely MUST .   I must save the use of Imagination-as-lubricant for a later time .

            I reserve my understanding of Rod Serling .   Besides his wish to scare the living SHIT out of us , there is an OPEN-NESS to Alternate Universes and Dimensions that he was able to deliver {express} as both Low and HIGH {HY} Drama .   Frequently he imposed his Will upon unsuspecting virgins and virginals to elicit stomach turning shivers of Recognition and Horror .    Certain Dimensions I consider as "Realms" where Understanding is sometimes forfeited and sometimes even supplanted by `shovel-in-the-face' Discovery .   I love that .  



Thursday, February 8, 2024

Father ? Thy Will be done .

                             You look at what Smith has ahead of him and ask, "Does he have a chance ?  What are his chances ?"   EZ , slim and no chance at all .   

            Remember that Smith did NOT 'thrust at trump's heart' by accusing him of  Sedition .  He merely 'attacked' with a parry, not aiming for his HEART (a Death Strike) but a parry which is only a Push .   Here the Goal is NOT 'execution in battle' but simply an 'Imbalancing'*  --- a force meant to hobble his efforts, to make him retreat .   

            We now have been BRUTALLY Awakened to the EXTENT of Judicial CORRUPTION .   scotus is EXACTLY 'like trump' UNCONCERNED with the People and caring for ONLY its appearance .   Trump and his have savagely remade scotus in THEIR Image .   

"This just in : SCOTUS gang rapes Miss America "

                             SUPER-Brains have determined that the scotus will go 9 - 0 in favor of trump .    They also determined that the Lawyers of Colorado were at best inept at worst impotent .    I heard only a few questions and answers, I couldn't bring myself to sit through the whole thing--- but I did sit through MSNBC'S "A" Team analysis .   

            I had anticipated a street brawl not a rubber ducky tub time BOY was I off .

            I figured that , for sure, Colorado would engage in the Combat as PROTECTORS of the CONSTITUTION and as such arm themselves for this knife fight by bringing their SWORDS .   They brought skewers instead and handed them to their opponents .   

            The Liberals  INCLUDING "The Great Black Hope" Jackson   were more concerned with APPEARANCE than the >>>IN YOUR FACE EVIDENCE<<< that Jan. 6 had generated .   They were concerned that the sc would look bad if they concretized the Colorado Edict .   

             It was a gang rape of Miss America .



Trump-opium = Trumpopia

                             I live in a Twilight Zone .    Here, slaughtered Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank are AMERICANS whose lives have been forfeited because of the broken minds of Powerful Zealots .   Here, netanyahu IS trump in all his Hitlerian Gory .   The Irony here is bone-CRUSHING .   Here, Hamas IS the g.o.p aka trumpopia* .   

            Echo-o-o :  "Death to all Jews --- Death to all Palestinians"  .   Can you hear it ?

Semantics = Same antics

                             It is rationally IMPLAUSIBLE even to SUGGEST that HALF of  Americans are UN-American .   I mean shit >>>  "By Definition"...  AND just reg-lar* Common Sense that Notion CANNOT be accurate .   BUT ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            You wanna* believe that Logicians consider the syllogism --->  "If it waddles like a duck, if it sounds like a duck,  if it LOOKS like a duck, then we must consider it a DUCK", as Common Sense DOGMA .   Hannitry satisfies this [self-evident] Reasoning .   He's a fucking TRAITOR .  And yet ... .

            The scotus is set to receive 'opening arguments' .   For those of us that are mentally SOUND,  the case before them is "Open and Shut" , meaning, there can be one and ONLY ONE outcome .   Trump is FORBIDDEN to hold office ANY Office  AND he must be PUNISHED to the FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW !!!    I mean, you'd think .

            But just look at what has transpired .   The word is "Semantics" .   The use and mis-use of Language to obfuscate what is Self-Evident and unconditionally OBVIOUS .   

            Horror upon Horror , the "Gateway to the Manifold Secrets" .

sean of the Dead

                             In the 'olden days' I cooda* ripped out maybe 10 blogs without thinking .   The topic today is sean hannity the TRAITOR not just to America but to HUMANKIND .   He's a fucking college DROP-OUT and you gotta* wonder how the fuck in God's Name did he ascend {ass end} to celebrity prominence .    Putin is treating him as if he were ROYALTY .   Russian propaganda outlets are quivering in EXALTATION .   PUTIN HAS SUCCEEDED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            You can't `leave` him to be just a man .    He is not only a SYMBOL of American Degeneration but a VOICE for American FASCISM .   Hannity Represents "All Those" >>left behind<<  by Liberal Furturists* -- those that have "kept pace" with Technology AND Socio-Political Evolution .   It is NOT just Liberal Furturists who have seemingly ABANDONED the intellectually impoverished No and FUCK NO !!   It is Capitalism, in all its GORY, which they have REFUSED to acknowledge due to Self-Imposed IGNORANCE or because their RELIGIOUS Zealotry DISMISSES Individual Responsibility .  Either way they're FUCKED !   

Wednesday, February 7, 2024


                             Kwite* unexpectedly my life is "coming into focus".   Seriously-Great ' Others' have generated "Groups" to remind and perhaps introduce 'like minds' to Times of Yesteryear, for me, the earliest of 6o's to the SUPER-Late .   These Groups have given Life to my Oldest Jazz Music Melancholies*, the ones of Miles Davis, The Modern Jazz Quartet, Monk, Getz, Coltrane, Adderly, Corea, and as if THAT  is `not enough` the Marx Brothers have been featured as well .  

            I have never written about the Sacred HOURS I spent listening to Miles Davis and John Coltrane .  I saved every dime I earned to buy their Albums .   Know that they are SOUL Men .   Reality was JAZZ, JAZZ was Reality , and every bent and twisted Note signaled Love along with Tumult and Turbulence .   Their Music was my Heart and my Soul .   

             I lived within their Chrysalis . 

Truthless is Ruthless

                              I'm kwite* fond of this "coin" --- one side reads, "Nothing lasts forever" and the other side reads, "The more things change, the more they stay the same".   This is the so-called Natural Cyclicity* of  The Universal Round .   It's Cosmic Law for all intents and purposes but only Evolution injects its Presence ever so slightly until MUTATION enters and enters with Flourish .

           Here it is where you CANNOT spend this coin to buy Truth .  According to me, Truth is a Red Haired Vixen of SUPER-Dynamic Altruism ,  BUT  She is also a Warrior of and for Her fellow Cohort, Justice .    Truth is Sacred but HARDLY Chaste .  Truth LOVES Love, indeed, where you find Love you WILL find Truth .

Allis Chalmers

                              The "Court" ruled that trump is  >>> NOT <<<   "Above the Law".   Now, you figure THAT to be "Self Evident" but in these "trial" times NOTHING is to be considered "Self Evident" because the Truth has been driven to Madness and She can no longer find Sanctuary in Honesty and Faith .   

            There should be NO "NEED" to Celebrate such an OBVIOUS Constitutional `Exertion`   BUT ...

            'Benny' insists that trump will overthrow the Court's "opinion" with his [by now] usual slanderous accusations of Fraud, Grift, and (endemic) Corruption .   This THIS is the "modus operandi" of an individual whose Essence is that of Contempt, Scorn and Ridicule .  

            I've used the title [it's a Tractor company] because one of my Fav Old Guys is Roger Welsch penman of Busted Tractors and Rusty Knuckles .   Rog works on restoring Allis Chalmers tractors and ONLY Allis Chalmers tractors .    In one of his books he spent like THREE chapters on `freeing up` a `stuck` cylinder .   After he and his had wiped their brows Rog said, "Let's celebrate" .   He  titled  the  first chapter  regarding  this  development  as   "Celebrating Small Victories .   That's where I am  rite* now .




"Benny and the" Nyets

                             "Nyet" is Russian for no, or not one ~~~  title is from a song by Sir Elton John .

           I wuz-gonna* begin with an offshoot of "Debbie Downer" --->  Benny Bummer ~~~ but in the back of my tiny monkey brain was "Benny and the JETS" .   This is referred to as "tripping over the first line".  

           It is my CONVICTION that "Current Events" is an Ocean of Suffering .    Navigation upon this Ocean is an Exercise in  Dys-Cryption* --- to Decode the Messages of Cosmic Knowledge cloaked in History .    Here,, the so-called "Empty Mirror" is none-other than Reality .   Lately, I have tried to express the Beauty of Truth by 'passing along' pics and images of  >>Red Haired<<  >>  Dakini's  <<  {Red Heads are my Kryptonite} in an effort to alleviate SOME Suffering .  

           I  have  been right-fully accused of being so god-damned [damned by God] NEGATIVE all the time .   I'm GUILTY of course .   But ALL Zen Masters agree :  "Red  comes  in  front,  reflect  Red, Ugliness  comes  in front,  reflect  Ugliness" .   SOME of the Laws of Physics are IMMUTABLE !

            There is this :   Beauty comes in front, reflect Beauty .


Tuesday, February 6, 2024

bye 4 now

                              Please forgive an old man ---I'm tired and hungry .   I must leave this here.

Upcoming Topics  

"No more" "Home Schooling" ----  The Federalization of Pre-School ---- The Addition of MANDATORY [Federalized] Summer School ----  National Conscription ---- The Requirement of One Year Abroad for the attainment of ANY "Advance Degree" ---- Federalized Age-Group Athletics ...  others .


                              I must broaden the Definition of 'homogenize' to incorporate "shared commonalities" .  We're on difficult terrain here .   When Alexis deTocqueville   toured America he was impressed that everyone he encountered BELIEVED that "When the BIG Whole 'benefits' EVERYBODY Benefits".  CLEARLY this is not the 'case' now .   "E Pluribus Unum" is a FAR Cry from the Romance of the Three Musketeers' "All for One, One for All"--- but it is FAR better-than "In God We Trust" .   "One Out Of Many" indicates Inner EXALTATION of Singularity , the "Promise of Perfection" actualized .  "In God We Trust" GUARANTEES the {composite} DEPENDENCE on "Outside Intervention" in even the most minor of undertaken tasks.   "Luck is a Lady" ---> {goes to}  God is a Lady ---> God is Luck .  Bonnie Raitt bemoans, "Luck of the Draw [is] Absolute LAW."  I mean ,,,,, it hurts .

             Here it is where "One Out Of Many" is a Proclamation that can be utilized to Affirm the Sacred Individuality of EVERY SINGLE CITIZEN .   To Be an American is to BE "One Out Of Many" .   (((In the distance, can you hear it ?   "Become ONE -- Infinite Time  Infinite Space"))) .

"Soul Sacrifice"

                              I thought of using `harmogenize` instead of "homogenize" but the 'h-a-r-m' is subliminally disruptive .   I HATE that harm exists within Harmony .   I mean I can try halmony* where alm{s} is featured and mony "sounds like" money but after a few rounds with that ~~~~~~ {  ...   } .

          The vest part of the Definition of Homogenize is this : "... does not separate in standing".  You can see it rite ?   "Does not separate in standing" meaning "Stand Together" under ALL Conditions---I can live with that .

          I'm figurin' we need to "Homogenize" America .  The "Melting Pot" trope has been worn-out, literally GROUND DOWN into USELESS rubble and dust .   Also, once the blend {mixture} cools it becomes brittle and therefore FRAGILE .  Once dropped it will splinter {Splinter Groups} .   It would have the tendencies of Cast Iron  ---- SOLID but only to a Point .

           There is [of course] the difficulty of "breaking down" [into] "particles" .  I'm EXCEEDINGLY uncomfortable with THAT so "Sacrifice" MUST-BE part of the transmutation .   




                              I've had to devise `Tectonic Dysfraction` in order to describe the Distance between Truth Lovers and Truth Haters .   `Dysfraction` is the splitting apart or fracturing of Truth from Reality .   I apply dysfraction* to the current State of Affairs found in America .   How is Dysfraction to be addressed, and really, CAN it be addressed in such a way as to generate {promote} not only MECHANICAL Repairs, removing  the  debilitating  RUST  of  Corruption  within  Governmental  Structures,   but   also to  RE-ESTABLISH the Morals, Ethics and Mores that once Defined American Political Altruism even IF the Definitions must be "re-worked" in order to make them Relevant to Moderns .   Here it is where Re-Form enters and enters with BOLD Flourish .

            I'm lookin' to 'transmute' "Melting Pot" .   'Melting Pot' is the use of Heat to liquefy solids that they me  be  combined  with  other  solids  to  render  a  "blend" .   I'm  certainly  no  fan  of   this term .   The blend can only be maintained with the constant {Incessant} application of Heat --- Heat may be caused by 'FRICTION' ---the rubbing together, GRIND of contact, whether or not this 'contact' has been solicited .   You can see it rite ?   Individuals, groups, and the "Others" all "thrown in" and heated to REMOVE their "solidity" {Solidarity} that they can be MOLDED into Status Quo Conformity .  The Group "Rush" condemns :   "Conform or be cast out" .


Monday, February 5, 2024

The Bi-Polar Bear

                              Qute* rite ?     Bi- Polar-Bear    --     the Bear is Bi-Polar ----------  so iz* America .  

           How is THIS This to be addressed ?    

            I've become GLUED to "Mirror, Mirror, on the wall " -- especially because in Taoism AND Zen Buddhism the Mirror is Symbolic of Mind .   Yes there's the Primary Status of PURE Reflection, depending upon the Quality of the Mirror {"You get what you pay for"} but in the Fairy Tale the Mirror is an "All Seeing" ---> ENTITY .   How'd THAT get there ?

            The Queen calls upon the Mirror to help her remain CERTAIN of her Physical Dominance and the IRONY that she asks, "Whose the FAIREST in the Land" REEKS of Pun-ishment in that the Queen is herself CRUELLY ---> UN-FAIR .     The Queen seeks AFFIRMATION;  such is the True Nature of Her Being, one of UNREMITTING Question ...

                                                           ...  the Characteristic of  QUANTUM  ======> Inferiority

            Not only can you see donald trump in the Mirror, you can see every SELFIE ADDICT --- folks that CAN'T "GET ENOUGH OF THEMSELVES".  They need the cell TO BE A MIRROR, an Entity that helps them see themselves as EXISTING in this the Physical Realm .   

            The Ramones would put it this way :  "20-20-20-4 hours a day I need to see my be-ing".






Pickle Brawl

                             A couple of hours have passed since I blogged.  I have a nagging doubt that I should not have left open the characteristic of Distance .  

            Elsewhere I described the distance between trumpists and Normal Folks as a TECTONIC SHIFT such as the one that separated South America from Africa .   I used that scale to hyperbolize* the IR-RETRACTABLE Condition that resulted from this Shift, meaning, "There aint no goin' back " .   

            Further, I lodged this AA Gem :  "You ain't gonna change a pickle back into a cucumber."   Doomsday rite ?

            You can see that the trope aligns the conditions the same was the conditions "call for" a specific trope .   Things Change when the trope of the Body / Mind Politic is engaged which would result in the presentation of "Schizophrenia" {Dementia Praecox is the $20 term}--- "multiple personalities" :  characterized by "A Nation Divided By Itself" meaning, it was the Nation that sought its own bifurcation or in our instance, multi-furcation* .    2 words address this :  AGE !!


Dis Tance

                              There's this American Axiom >>>  "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" .   And what if it IS "broke" --then what ?

            We MAY see a sharp contrast between 'broken' and 'severed' .   We can say that Ties within the American "System" have been broken or we can see them as being severed .  One you can 'fix' the other "not so much" .    Is Truth itself >broken< ?  Of course not, but the RELIANCE on Truth HAS been broken .   Folks have broken free from the Truth in ALL its various, {manifold] manifestations.  Exactly how is THAT to be fixed, mended, re-attached {blah,blah blah blah}".  

            Sting [of the "Police"] cries on God's Shoulder  to "Fill the space between us" .   His claim is that we have "grown apart"--- that it is DISTANCE that prevents Human CONTACT .   He bemoans the fact that somehow we, ourselves, CANNOT "bridge" this Distance, that we MUST rely upon Divine Intervention {Heavenly Succor} in order to re-establish Communication "Lines" .   All we have nearest to us at this time is "Battle Lines".   2 words: "I ain't buyin' what Sting is Sellin' " .

UNFairly Tales

                             My 'train of thought' left the station laden with "Good Housekeeping" .  "Good Housekeeping" was a Badge of Honor when received by various Forms of Home Works,  Therapies and the Like .   It was literally a SEAL OF APPROVAL .    I was thinking that the Nation NEEDS a Council that would Devise, and Maintain certain Children's Literature(s) that would DEFINE what it MEANS to be an American AND what it MEANS to live in a Constitutional Democracy .   

             I know what you're gonna ask, "ARE YOU SERIOUS OR DELIRIOUS ?"  Yup, both .

             We can agree that "Trump is a BROKEN man" as is DeSantis .   They have 'BROKEN AWAY"       from Mainstream [Traditional] Americana ---that which once DEFINED not only America but an American Citizen .   Abused children become Abusers ---  Broken children become "Brokers" of Breakage  .   They know 'broken' and so can only Break .   

             We must adjust 'broke' ' to accommodate the pun of broke -  to be devoid of [funds] .  Clearly these two `mansters` {monsters}  are broke, devoid of Morals, Ethics and the Social Mores that once Defined the BEST Characteristics of not only Political Behavior but of HUMAN Behavior .  


There's "Woke" and then there's Broke'

                             This morning I sat in Chairy-Chair to sip coffee and languish in Retirement Panoply, the one wherein the day's wishes are irritatingly welded to the day's tasks .   The dream that had awakened me was  already  fossilized ,  more  of  "the  same  old  same  old"  that's  caused  me  the  distress  of  self-questioning .   You quidz* know what it's like to await PERFECT Conditions, the ones that will GUARANTEE the Results you WANT {Pray-for, Hope-for and DESIRE} .   More often than Less often , the Conditions RARELY {if EVER} arrive and with them magical Incentive .   

            DURING Recitations this surfaced --->  There's "woke" and then there's 'BROKE' ' .   'Broke' 'is short for 'broken' .   I settled deeper into Chairy-Chair's lap and "turned it over".   

            For months now I have been "holding" the Question of American Unity, specifically the HOW of How the fuck can we >as a NATION< "Come Together" ?    I have called for CONSCRIPTION -- to Conscript ALL High School Grads for a 2 Year Service to America .   This is its own topic for MANY blogs but today it is merely 'back-burner' stove-top simmer .   

            I have a vast storehouse of Children's book and literature but I have declined to enter the Kiddie Lit Realm because it is SOOOO rewarding for me AND it makes me believe that I ACTUALLY have good things to offer from that dire Realm of  Self-Indulgent Happy-Ness* .   

            Here's where 'broke' '  enters .



                              I awoke from a dream in which I found myself not knowing where I had put my cat keys .   I was on campus at U.Conn. and figured I needed to get 'home' .   This is a "recurring dream" some modification of another 'recurring dream' in which I can't remember where I'd parked my vehicle .   Obviously these dreams {{nightmares}} are related .

            I have been unable to locate a topic for my blogs .  I tag that --> intellectual constipation .   You can see it rite (?) ---  being unable to find the keys to my vehicle--not being able to find the keys to unlock the blogs .   

            Know that the word 'vehicle' has ties to the Hinayana and Mahayana [Small Vehicle--Great Vehicle] where 'vehicle' is a 'mode' not only of transportation but of 'delivery' as well .   



Sunday, February 4, 2024

"Soul Sacrifice"

                             There are some of us who are CONSUMED by Suffering , and NOT "in a good way" either .   Suffering at this vector MUST-BE considered a form of Cancer, HARDLY Noble HARDLY  Virtuous .  

            Here it is where Universal Suffering is funneled into Ego thereby generating Depression , a Depression that presents Suicide as the ONLY Relief ,{Cure} .   We have viewed ROMANTIC portrayals of Writers and Poets gracefully entering a pond with the SOUL Intent of exiting the World of Suffering   Literally to "Drown one's Self in Sorrow" .   Somehow, for what ever Reason, these Artists considered Death to be a MYSTICAL EXPERIENCE .  Whoa,   that's a tough one .  

              Clearly, at this Stage,  Suffering has become "UN-Manageable" .   This is where the 8-Fold Noble Path enters .   Hesse did NOT  "get to the next level" ---  and if he did, {I'm CERTAIN HE DID} he didn't write a novel about Transcending Suffering .  

              Can one Transcend Suffering ???   Yes   and    No .

Perpetual Penitence

                         Our "Western Civ" professor, Dr. Langer, 'worked-over' Hesse's passages on the rubber knob at the end of his cane {Cane and Unable} .   Hesse figured it to be decadent and bourgeois --  a something so small as to be INSIGNIFICANT to barely interested Others .  Yet Hesse FELT Shame and Guilt where NONE should have existed AT ALL !    "For better AND for worse", I'm THERE with him on THAT .   

            German Intellectuals seemed OBSESSED about Universal Suffering but it was Hesse who depicted It as the Curse of Anti-System Revolutionaries .   Hesse deemed Suffering as Noble VIRTUE [of all things] and 'resided' in what I call "Perpetual Penitence" .   

            With "Great Compassion" comes even Greater Suffering... but it was the Great Suffering a True Man uses to vault his way up and into the Stratosphere of Utopia .   There remained V a s t Lament for Earthly Conditions --- but a True Man TOLERATES these Conditions with OBJECTIVE Rationality, effectively cartooned by Mad Magazine and its "What, me worry ?"  displacement .   {Alfred E. Newman as Knight Templar}.

Cane and Unable

                              I've wondered why Hermann Hesse did not write a sequel to Steppenwolf .   Perhaps the life of a mild-mannered middle-aged man was not a 'hot topic',  was not relevant, or he simply did NOT consider the Steppenwolf as a worthy platform .   Recall that the vivid scenes were the result of drug ingestion and German Wine .   Recall that there was NEVER to be sexual intercourse with Hermine, we later learn was his [Jungian] Anima ---the Female Within .   Still----- what was to become of Harry ?   Did he  relinquish  his  hold  on  'bourgeois' Realty,   the  so-called   "Status Quo"   of  {surreal}  imbecilic superficiality ?


Saturday, February 3, 2024

The Soft-Ness Monster

                               The Remington mini-furnace sputters   

                                My kitten curled asleep

                               In Chairy Chair's lair .

                                I sit back at my desk

                                And wonder about a poem .

Friday, February 2, 2024

Kitten Komisseration*

                         I can write, 'poignant' Cynicism, but is there any other kind ?   

            The Transitive Law  If  A=B and B=C Then A=C has given me "fits and starts" .   I mean, it's CLEARLY a 'syllogism' of the HIGHEST Order but I just don't like it .  If Truth = Beauty and Beauty Kills, then Truth Kills .  It's NOT Transitive,, but the Syllogism Logic MUST apply .  

            Tell me how If one apple = one pear, and one pear = one carrot The one apple MUST EQUAL one carrot ?    I'm not buyin' it .   I can SEE that they are NOT Equal .



"Listen to the mandaline* rain..."

                              Painters can paint themselves OUT of a corner ;  rwiters, not so much .   Exasperation has resulted in a profound Cynicism from which Humor is the only escape {relief} ; indeed, the Late GREAT Joan Rivers snapped back at a heckler,   "Humor is how we Deal !"  .   Bruce Hornsby and his Range somber, "I'm not dealing so well."  I echo-o-o that .




The rwiter

                             I'm thinking about writing a poem that begins with this line : "I'm constipated" .   The poem is about not being able to write because there's SO-MUCH to write about that 'daunt' becomes paralysis .   I CERTAINLY don't want to take responsibility for this Winter STALL-sis, I'd much rather claim S.A.D. default .  

             My College "Modern Novels" Professor, Dr. Moynihan, cautioned me about laxing* into melodramatic self-pity .   Here I am .

             I gave up writing poems because I found myself agonizing over just one word --  sometimes for weeks at a time .  2 words :  ridiculous .

             It's not lyke* writing poetry is stupit* --- it isn't--- but for me, it got to be an obsession of self- indulgence ---  to think of myself as a poet was unbearable .