Wednesday, February 14, 2024

...a Nation STARVED for Justice... OR "I just want one SOMETHING"

                               I can't figure-out exactly what Justice IS !   What is it EXACTLY that Americans NEED to FEEL as if Democracy is WORKING ???!??? 

            We have that iconic depiction of a BLINDFOLDED  Miss Justice  holding a  scale in one hand and an Excalibur in the other .      You wanna figure this Symbol does indeed represent  the Ideal of Justice, a Broad with a Sword INTENT on achieving  Relief-from-Suffering that ONLY  Punishment  can supply.   

            You gotta ask yourself, "What the fuck GOOD is her Sword if she's BLINDFOLDED ?   Even BRILLIANT Sword Masters are reluctant to blindfold their students to execute an apple  or watermelon cut .     

            An upgrade to Miss Justice would be to have her drawn by Frank Frazetta .   She would be heavily muscled,  scantily clad and DEFINITELY 'full chested' UN-blindfolded, with the freshly hewn head of donald j trump in her left hand held high for the All to see .      

             I'm jus' sayin' ... .

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