Saturday, February 17, 2024

Bound by Round

                              It  ain't  the   "Merry"-Go-Round    so  perhaps  it's  better  to  note,  "Sadly"-Go-Round .    The Nature of the Universe is that of Cyclicity* , hence, the "Universal Round" .  

            We've learned that Miss Justice is a Black Woman who chose to wield a 4 foot length of 1 inch lead pipe rather than her Excalibur .   The Loss is OURS .   

             From  behind  the  rostrum  she  proclaimed,   "Justice has been served".    No---------far from it .

             There was no leg sever   ance, merely a pipe shot to his knees --- hobbled--- not much more .

             What  >>> I <<<    wanted was a Khan "I STRIKE THEE AT THY HEART"  Thrust   that would pass through not only his HEART but into his Coal-Soul .

              Zen Master Jagger soothes, "You can't always get what you WANT..."







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