Thursday, February 8, 2024

"This just in : SCOTUS gang rapes Miss America "

                             SUPER-Brains have determined that the scotus will go 9 - 0 in favor of trump .    They also determined that the Lawyers of Colorado were at best inept at worst impotent .    I heard only a few questions and answers, I couldn't bring myself to sit through the whole thing--- but I did sit through MSNBC'S "A" Team analysis .   

            I had anticipated a street brawl not a rubber ducky tub time BOY was I off .

            I figured that , for sure, Colorado would engage in the Combat as PROTECTORS of the CONSTITUTION and as such arm themselves for this knife fight by bringing their SWORDS .   They brought skewers instead and handed them to their opponents .   

            The Liberals  INCLUDING "The Great Black Hope" Jackson   were more concerned with APPEARANCE than the >>>IN YOUR FACE EVIDENCE<<< that Jan. 6 had generated .   They were concerned that the sc would look bad if they concretized the Colorado Edict .   

             It was a gang rape of Miss America .



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