Wednesday, February 14, 2024

'The Facts of Strife'

                              You can see it rite*?    The Definition of Justice B R O A D E N E D to encompass Compensation, and a Rebuilding that INCLUDED the Zombies --- that is ---once the Effects of the SLAUGHTER had evaporated .   It never happened because it COULDN'T 'happen' .    These folks, good, honest, and DECENT folks, were slaughtered mercilessly by THEIR VERY OWN--- 'Sacrificed" [as it were] to the Gods of Capitalism >  Profit and Bottom Line .    And here now a MUST Recognition that 'sacrifice' MEANS >>>  Abandonment .    

                   Take it from one MILLION Psychologists and Psychiatrists :  

                                                  "Rarely, if EVER, do the Abandoned recover" .   

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