Wednesday, February 14, 2024


                              In MY tiny monkey brain Biden is a scrawny 'David' and trump is a Steroid-Freaked Goliath .   When the Bible stories that a sling and stone felled Goliath we WANT to BELIEVE .   It's quite the ROMANTIC Vision, and it MAY have happened just as the Bible describes.  BUT  MY David is TOOO OLDE to wield sling and stone with ANY Precision .   So NOW What ?

            Broadcasters and guycasters* have been near apoplexy when trying to warn us of the Threat of Democracy Annihilation should trump Ascend {ass end} once more .   They call upon weakling demockrats* to CONFRONT trump and remove him from his Idiot-ideology .   I say, no way .

            Trump is a fucking BRUTE who wields BRUTE FORCE .   The Call to Arms must be heard by Those of POWER ---  Generals, Governors, Secretaries of States, DOCTORS, PSYCHIATRISTS and UNIVERSITY PRESIDENTS, who the MUST provide the Weapons that CAN Defeat Trump AT HIS SOURCE .   

             This is Joe Biden's LINCOLN MOMENT --- to amass an ARMY of Democracy WARRIORS and Lead them {from behind} into the CIVIL WAR that IS America's  Hell .

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