Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Truthless is Ruthless

                              I'm kwite* fond of this "coin" --- one side reads, "Nothing lasts forever" and the other side reads, "The more things change, the more they stay the same".   This is the so-called Natural Cyclicity* of  The Universal Round .   It's Cosmic Law for all intents and purposes but only Evolution injects its Presence ever so slightly until MUTATION enters and enters with Flourish .

           Here it is where you CANNOT spend this coin to buy Truth .  According to me, Truth is a Red Haired Vixen of SUPER-Dynamic Altruism ,  BUT  She is also a Warrior of and for Her fellow Cohort, Justice .    Truth is Sacred but HARDLY Chaste .  Truth LOVES Love, indeed, where you find Love you WILL find Truth .

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