Saturday, February 17, 2024

John Barleycorn and Alex Navalny "MUST DIE"

                              Nalvaldy has been murdered .   Trump has been pipe-kneed, no Oedipal Complex satisfaction whatsoever .  Navaldy is WORTHY of the term "Martyr" while trump WILL receive "Martyr" benefaction .   I figured, as did everyone else, that putin  "WOULDN'T DARE",,   it's the same with the American Electorate who   "WOULDN'T DARE"   elect trump .    So much for, "Wouldn't Dare" .

            I KNOW the Death of Nalvalny is linked {Cosmically} to trump's only-partial dismemberment ---had I the talent to access Steve DeSilva's Jungian Perspective I could actualize some form of Parallel .   Instead, my Fears are front and center on the Stage of New York's BROADWAY ,  the Place of trump's MURDER of Presidential Dignity .   "It's" there, I know it is...but ....... .

            On the "JOHN BARLEYCORN MUST DIE" album can be found Winwood's "Traditional Arrangement" of "John Barleycorn Must Die".   This "ballad" approaches White Boys' Spiritual with Wisdom-churning zeal .   You GOTTA figure that the Message of this song is THE INTENT of Winwood and his .   

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