Monday, February 5, 2024

There's "Woke" and then there's Broke'

                             This morning I sat in Chairy-Chair to sip coffee and languish in Retirement Panoply, the one wherein the day's wishes are irritatingly welded to the day's tasks .   The dream that had awakened me was  already  fossilized ,  more  of  "the  same  old  same  old"  that's  caused  me  the  distress  of  self-questioning .   You quidz* know what it's like to await PERFECT Conditions, the ones that will GUARANTEE the Results you WANT {Pray-for, Hope-for and DESIRE} .   More often than Less often , the Conditions RARELY {if EVER} arrive and with them magical Incentive .   

            DURING Recitations this surfaced --->  There's "woke" and then there's 'BROKE' ' .   'Broke' 'is short for 'broken' .   I settled deeper into Chairy-Chair's lap and "turned it over".   

            For months now I have been "holding" the Question of American Unity, specifically the HOW of How the fuck can we >as a NATION< "Come Together" ?    I have called for CONSCRIPTION -- to Conscript ALL High School Grads for a 2 Year Service to America .   This is its own topic for MANY blogs but today it is merely 'back-burner' stove-top simmer .   

            I have a vast storehouse of Children's book and literature but I have declined to enter the Kiddie Lit Realm because it is SOOOO rewarding for me AND it makes me believe that I ACTUALLY have good things to offer from that dire Realm of  Self-Indulgent Happy-Ness* .   

            Here's where 'broke' '  enters .


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