Thursday, February 8, 2024

Semantics = Same antics

                             It is rationally IMPLAUSIBLE even to SUGGEST that HALF of  Americans are UN-American .   I mean shit >>>  "By Definition"...  AND just reg-lar* Common Sense that Notion CANNOT be accurate .   BUT ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            You wanna* believe that Logicians consider the syllogism --->  "If it waddles like a duck, if it sounds like a duck,  if it LOOKS like a duck, then we must consider it a DUCK", as Common Sense DOGMA .   Hannitry satisfies this [self-evident] Reasoning .   He's a fucking TRAITOR .  And yet ... .

            The scotus is set to receive 'opening arguments' .   For those of us that are mentally SOUND,  the case before them is "Open and Shut" , meaning, there can be one and ONLY ONE outcome .   Trump is FORBIDDEN to hold office ANY Office  AND he must be PUNISHED to the FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW !!!    I mean, you'd think .

            But just look at what has transpired .   The word is "Semantics" .   The use and mis-use of Language to obfuscate what is Self-Evident and unconditionally OBVIOUS .   

            Horror upon Horror , the "Gateway to the Manifold Secrets" .

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