Monday, February 5, 2024

Dis Tance

                              There's this American Axiom >>>  "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" .   And what if it IS "broke" --then what ?

            We MAY see a sharp contrast between 'broken' and 'severed' .   We can say that Ties within the American "System" have been broken or we can see them as being severed .  One you can 'fix' the other "not so much" .    Is Truth itself >broken< ?  Of course not, but the RELIANCE on Truth HAS been broken .   Folks have broken free from the Truth in ALL its various, {manifold] manifestations.  Exactly how is THAT to be fixed, mended, re-attached {blah,blah blah blah}".  

            Sting [of the "Police"] cries on God's Shoulder  to "Fill the space between us" .   His claim is that we have "grown apart"--- that it is DISTANCE that prevents Human CONTACT .   He bemoans the fact that somehow we, ourselves, CANNOT "bridge" this Distance, that we MUST rely upon Divine Intervention {Heavenly Succor} in order to re-establish Communication "Lines" .   All we have nearest to us at this time is "Battle Lines".   2 words: "I ain't buyin' what Sting is Sellin' " .

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