Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Kent State

                              The BIG Brains and the SUPER-SMARTS have begun preparing us for the `Bloodshed of 2024` .   CNN's BEST showed a clip of a trumper who told Vaughn that should trump NOT be elected then a TAKEOVER of the White House will be INEVITABLE and Blood WILL BE SPILLED .  The trumpist told Vaughn, 'first the White House then the State Capitols'.   I sat STUNNED ------- my mouth agape .

            The 2024 E* will NOT matter, since,  trump's gonna-be considered President REGARDLESS of any Tally .  

            Biden and his will have NO CHOICE, save to invoke the Insurrection Act which allows Fed. Troops to   >>>police<<<   civilians .

            Think that won't happen ??

                                                            REMEMBER KENT STATE 


                                                                "Four DEAD in Ohio"

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