Monday, February 26, 2024

The 'con' in 'Confirmation'

                              I WANT to write , `Be careful, some 'Chicks' will turn-out to be 'Hens', in which case they will "Hen Peck" you .  Clearly some Chicks also become "Mother Hens"-- those that 'fawn and dote' over their children and even their ADULT children .   Not cool .

            Thing  with THAT is this ;   Is the statement, "Some  chicks  become  Hens"  a  UNIVERSAL TRUTH ?    I doubt it, which makes the statement an OPINION and NOT a Universal Truth .   You can see it rite* ?

    then the thing becomes an expression of one's experience and [obviously] NOT a Universal Truth .   Now the Validity is checked by "Consider the Source" --- is the Source of the opinion to be Trusted [?] i.e., is he or she 'Trust Worthy' [?]  worthy of Trust ?

             How do you 'test' for THAT ???????



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