Sunday, February 4, 2024

Perpetual Penitence

                         Our "Western Civ" professor, Dr. Langer, 'worked-over' Hesse's passages on the rubber knob at the end of his cane {Cane and Unable} .   Hesse figured it to be decadent and bourgeois --  a something so small as to be INSIGNIFICANT to barely interested Others .  Yet Hesse FELT Shame and Guilt where NONE should have existed AT ALL !    "For better AND for worse", I'm THERE with him on THAT .   

            German Intellectuals seemed OBSESSED about Universal Suffering but it was Hesse who depicted It as the Curse of Anti-System Revolutionaries .   Hesse deemed Suffering as Noble VIRTUE [of all things] and 'resided' in what I call "Perpetual Penitence" .   

            With "Great Compassion" comes even Greater Suffering... but it was the Great Suffering a True Man uses to vault his way up and into the Stratosphere of Utopia .   There remained V a s t Lament for Earthly Conditions --- but a True Man TOLERATES these Conditions with OBJECTIVE Rationality, effectively cartooned by Mad Magazine and its "What, me worry ?"  displacement .   {Alfred E. Newman as Knight Templar}.

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