Monday, February 5, 2024


                              I awoke from a dream in which I found myself not knowing where I had put my cat keys .   I was on campus at U.Conn. and figured I needed to get 'home' .   This is a "recurring dream" some modification of another 'recurring dream' in which I can't remember where I'd parked my vehicle .   Obviously these dreams {{nightmares}} are related .

            I have been unable to locate a topic for my blogs .  I tag that --> intellectual constipation .   You can see it rite (?) ---  being unable to find the keys to my vehicle--not being able to find the keys to unlock the blogs .   

            Know that the word 'vehicle' has ties to the Hinayana and Mahayana [Small Vehicle--Great Vehicle] where 'vehicle' is a 'mode' not only of transportation but of 'delivery' as well .   



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