Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Allis Chalmers

                              The "Court" ruled that trump is  >>> NOT <<<   "Above the Law".   Now, you figure THAT to be "Self Evident" but in these "trial" times NOTHING is to be considered "Self Evident" because the Truth has been driven to Madness and She can no longer find Sanctuary in Honesty and Faith .   

            There should be NO "NEED" to Celebrate such an OBVIOUS Constitutional `Exertion`   BUT ...

            'Benny' insists that trump will overthrow the Court's "opinion" with his [by now] usual slanderous accusations of Fraud, Grift, and (endemic) Corruption .   This THIS is the "modus operandi" of an individual whose Essence is that of Contempt, Scorn and Ridicule .  

            I've used the title [it's a Tractor company] because one of my Fav Old Guys is Roger Welsch penman of Busted Tractors and Rusty Knuckles .   Rog works on restoring Allis Chalmers tractors and ONLY Allis Chalmers tractors .    In one of his books he spent like THREE chapters on `freeing up` a `stuck` cylinder .   After he and his had wiped their brows Rog said, "Let's celebrate" .   He  titled  the  first chapter  regarding  this  development  as   "Celebrating Small Victories .   That's where I am  rite* now .




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