Thursday, February 8, 2024

sean of the Dead

                             In the 'olden days' I cooda* ripped out maybe 10 blogs without thinking .   The topic today is sean hannity the TRAITOR not just to America but to HUMANKIND .   He's a fucking college DROP-OUT and you gotta* wonder how the fuck in God's Name did he ascend {ass end} to celebrity prominence .    Putin is treating him as if he were ROYALTY .   Russian propaganda outlets are quivering in EXALTATION .   PUTIN HAS SUCCEEDED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            You can't `leave` him to be just a man .    He is not only a SYMBOL of American Degeneration but a VOICE for American FASCISM .   Hannity Represents "All Those" >>left behind<<  by Liberal Furturists* -- those that have "kept pace" with Technology AND Socio-Political Evolution .   It is NOT just Liberal Furturists who have seemingly ABANDONED the intellectually impoverished No and FUCK NO !!   It is Capitalism, in all its GORY, which they have REFUSED to acknowledge due to Self-Imposed IGNORANCE or because their RELIGIOUS Zealotry DISMISSES Individual Responsibility .  Either way they're FUCKED !   

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