Monday, February 26, 2024

The "ill" in guilt

                              The mornings pass,,,,,  I sit and wonder why I have nothing about which to write when in FACT there are SERIOUS Topics I feel a need to address ---  for many Reasons .   There is a Line --  a Line between Journal Entry and Internet Worthy .  That Line is like a noose around my neck , it's strangling me .

            I FEEL as if I have a Duty to the World , an Obligation to report personal experiences that have Value as Universal >>Affirmations<<  --- those that aid not only in Understanding but as Expressions of Universal Truths .   

            The Problem is this =  Is Truth for ME , the SAME as Truth for YOU ?   I have written elsewhere that Truth, itself, is Relative --- if it's Relative to the Observer,,[then] can it be claimed as Universal ?  Exactly , what is the Test for Universal Validity ?   The Test for Universal Validity is >>> Time<<< .   We say, "It has withstood "The Test of Time" .   Has 'it' been PROVEN as Truth with regard to DURATION ?  Has the Truth been 'apparent' and 'RELEVANT' throughout [recorded] History ?   

            Is Universal Truth RELEVANT to PERSONAL Circumstances ?   If so, How ?

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