Saturday, February 17, 2024

"There's a 'lie' in believe"

                             Superficially, "JBMD" is a lament for Alcoholics who tried to "give-up" booze and failed, "JB" "proved to be the stronger man" .   "There were 3 men" who committed themselves to Abstinence, and in so doing attacked JB with plows, and harrows, and shears and scythes, in a scorch-earth Vengeance to ERADICATE JB once and FOREVER .   Both Cruelty and Torture found themselves enmeshed  within the  Structure of Vengeance  and were UNLEASHED by the 3 {Less than Knowing} Men .   

            Victory was perceived as IMMANENT --  until ......................... .

            THAT'S  my  Fear,  although   Fear   doesn't   EXACTLY   represent  my  stomach-turning                                                DREAD .

            You gotta figure trump and trumpism has ALREADY achieved IMMORTALITY .   Trump is BIGGER than "John Henry" and HUGHER than Paul Bunyan .   Trump has ALREADY achieved his "Apotheosis" .    

            His People BELIEVE and MANY will WILLINGLY sacrifice their lives for him .  

            Stevie Wonder bemoans, "Believers,,, keep on Believing"................................ .


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