Tuesday, February 20, 2024

The Apple of my Ire

                              I have a ton of material stuck in drafts .   Much of it is raucous {raw cuss} clusterfuck bombast, typical shit that is both bother and trouble some .  It won't develop into any sort of USE-ABLE* ideation* but stays suspended, mid-air, an apple that won't conform to Gravity's Insistence .   

            I have wondered about "HOW" .   In reference to "Looking into one's self..." :   "HOW " is that 'done' ?    The technical term for "looking into one's self" is "Introspection" .   Of course the "High Bar" for Introspection is "Inner Vision" ---  which is glamorized by Stevie Wonder and his "Inner Visions" .  The `low bar` is NOT ' glamorous in ANY way, and manifests as simple questions one asks one's self on a daily basis in a half-assed manner, because the answers are ALREADY known.  

            Habitual Thinking IS "attachment" and much of THAT is "Attachment to 'Name' and 'Form', the first REAL Attachment that obstructs both Knowledge and Wisdom .   Attachment to Name and Form can be confronted with just ONE Question :  "Who am I" and this Question is offered by Zen Masters to break that Attachment .   There is a great 'next' ;   "What did you look like BEFORE you were born ?"   

            These Questions are to be "held", by the motivated Seeker,  through-out the course of the day---EVERY day, until a suitable answer "Arrives" .   

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