Sunday, February 18, 2024

The Hat In The That

                              I can feel a 'hyper-consciousness' .   There is pure sensation, the sensation of a light-headed stomach, prickly forearm skin, shallow breathing and a quasi-dizziness that standing on one foot abrupts* .   I was INSIDE Amherst --- the sidewalk crunch of sand and salt --- ancient New England in the air, covering my eyes, dampening my face ;   at the end of the Green, a lazy fog                          .... .

            Yesterday I made another Effort at describing the 'Universal Round'.   I left a tag on FB :  "In the Ultimate End, there is ONLY The CONTINUUM ."    

            Describing the 'Universal Round' is my Effort to impart at least SOME Optimism with regard to the QUANTUM Shit Hole in which the Planet has dug for itself [with OUR help, of course] .   I thought about offering EXCUSES for the clusterfuck that now defines our socio-political Condition .    THAT was a Struggle .   

            I mean,,,, the number of 'BIG BANGS' must {?} be Infinite .   I mean, there's THAT .!



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