Tuesday, February 6, 2024


                              I've had to devise `Tectonic Dysfraction` in order to describe the Distance between Truth Lovers and Truth Haters .   `Dysfraction` is the splitting apart or fracturing of Truth from Reality .   I apply dysfraction* to the current State of Affairs found in America .   How is Dysfraction to be addressed, and really, CAN it be addressed in such a way as to generate {promote} not only MECHANICAL Repairs, removing  the  debilitating  RUST  of  Corruption  within  Governmental  Structures,   but   also to  RE-ESTABLISH the Morals, Ethics and Mores that once Defined American Political Altruism even IF the Definitions must be "re-worked" in order to make them Relevant to Moderns .   Here it is where Re-Form enters and enters with BOLD Flourish .

            I'm lookin' to 'transmute' "Melting Pot" .   'Melting Pot' is the use of Heat to liquefy solids that they me  be  combined  with  other  solids  to  render  a  "blend" .   I'm  certainly  no  fan  of   this term .   The blend can only be maintained with the constant {Incessant} application of Heat --- Heat may be caused by 'FRICTION' ---the rubbing together, GRIND of contact, whether or not this 'contact' has been solicited .   You can see it rite ?   Individuals, groups, and the "Others" all "thrown in" and heated to REMOVE their "solidity" {Solidarity} that they can be MOLDED into Status Quo Conformity .  The Group "Rush" condemns :   "Conform or be cast out" .


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