Sunday, February 4, 2024

"Soul Sacrifice"

                             There are some of us who are CONSUMED by Suffering , and NOT "in a good way" either .   Suffering at this vector MUST-BE considered a form of Cancer, HARDLY Noble HARDLY  Virtuous .  

            Here it is where Universal Suffering is funneled into Ego thereby generating Depression , a Depression that presents Suicide as the ONLY Relief ,{Cure} .   We have viewed ROMANTIC portrayals of Writers and Poets gracefully entering a pond with the SOUL Intent of exiting the World of Suffering   Literally to "Drown one's Self in Sorrow" .   Somehow, for what ever Reason, these Artists considered Death to be a MYSTICAL EXPERIENCE .  Whoa,   that's a tough one .  

              Clearly, at this Stage,  Suffering has become "UN-Manageable" .   This is where the 8-Fold Noble Path enters .   Hesse did NOT  "get to the next level" ---  and if he did, {I'm CERTAIN HE DID} he didn't write a novel about Transcending Suffering .  

              Can one Transcend Suffering ???   Yes   and    No .

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