Tuesday, February 6, 2024

"Soul Sacrifice"

                              I thought of using `harmogenize` instead of "homogenize" but the 'h-a-r-m' is subliminally disruptive .   I HATE that harm exists within Harmony .   I mean I can try halmony* where alm{s} is featured and mony "sounds like" money but after a few rounds with that ~~~~~~ {  ...   } .

          The vest part of the Definition of Homogenize is this : "... does not separate in standing".  You can see it rite ?   "Does not separate in standing" meaning "Stand Together" under ALL Conditions---I can live with that .

          I'm figurin' we need to "Homogenize" America .  The "Melting Pot" trope has been worn-out, literally GROUND DOWN into USELESS rubble and dust .   Also, once the blend {mixture} cools it becomes brittle and therefore FRAGILE .  Once dropped it will splinter {Splinter Groups} .   It would have the tendencies of Cast Iron  ---- SOLID but only to a Point .

           There is [of course] the difficulty of "breaking down" [into] "particles" .  I'm EXCEEDINGLY uncomfortable with THAT so "Sacrifice" MUST-BE part of the transmutation .   



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