Wednesday, February 14, 2024

The Killing Fields

                              You wanna believe that trump is in the middle of the "kill zone", that, like Custer, he  will succumb to the Inevitability of Death .     I ain't "feelin' it" .

            You wanna believe that SURELY, trump will be dragged down into the Hell HE CREATED, the one of Spell-binding Horror, the one of Instinctual Barbarism, where an "Eye for and Eye" is Jungle Combat Baptism .   

             You wanna believe that "The Noose is tightening" and soon he will be left dangling in the Public Square, a Message to the Insurrectionists that "No where to run to, nowhere to hide" is the POWER of Judicial Preeminence  .   

             I mean, you wanna .............. .               

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