Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Invisible Soul

                              My recurring dreams indicate that I can't find my vehicle despite KNOWING where I'd parked it ; nor where its keys are .   There's another set of recurring dreams in which I find myself as a construction laborer helping to build a house .   Then there's a set of recurring dreams within which I am afoot in a distant county where I have no vehicle at all .  Here, I figure I can walk home in spite of a VAST Distance .   Lastly, there is a set of recurring dreams where I find myself back at the farm, managing an extensive retrofit .   WTF am I doing THERE ??????? 

            In the first :  the car is lost .  In the second, the keys are lost .  In  the  fourth, I am LITERALLY lost .  In the fifth, I'm in a place where I thought I would Never-Be ---> Lost in time .

            Steve Winwood :  "...when your Soul is in 'The Lost and Found' ..." 

            From Blind Faith :     "...and I can't find my way home..."



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