Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Sunrise in the West

                             We saw trump on the escalator---someone should have suggested : "Decent into Madness" .

            We say that [actor] performances can be "captivating" or even "spellbinding" .   Can you see it ?

            Trump's "Decent Into Madness" was IN-FACT, "Captivating " AND Spellbinding" and I would add one more, "Electrifying" {so that Mid Westerners can be seen as being FRIED by trump's 'electrifrying*' words] .

            Trump "arrived" in Hitlerian Splendour* {splendor ---> splen-dour} --- a man of a [quasi] patriotism, {patriarch-ism*} --- a man who was able to cloak his Savage Cruelty with the mantle of [self-imposed] Divine Benefaction .    He EXUDED Paternal Sovereignty, the one of Ancient Rome, where Fathers treated their children like cattle, ox and sheep and yet the Mid Westerners STILL considered him, "One of US".   "Father, the God ALMIGHTY".          

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