Friday, February 9, 2024

"Lightnin' " Rod Serling

                              Yesterday I finally confessed that I live in the Twilight Zone .   You gotta figure that's truly 'fucked-uP' {phuqed-uP} , I mean , even I think it's whacked .   Thing is, its a Safe Place not only for my Thoughts but my Thinking as well .     I am in the "Twilight" of my life anyway :  at 72 "Dawn" is a ravagely* distant memory and getting THERE requires an escape from Historical Reality --- so I DON'T go to There unless I absolutely MUST .   I must save the use of Imagination-as-lubricant for a later time .

            I reserve my understanding of Rod Serling .   Besides his wish to scare the living SHIT out of us , there is an OPEN-NESS to Alternate Universes and Dimensions that he was able to deliver {express} as both Low and HIGH {HY} Drama .   Frequently he imposed his Will upon unsuspecting virgins and virginals to elicit stomach turning shivers of Recognition and Horror .    Certain Dimensions I consider as "Realms" where Understanding is sometimes forfeited and sometimes even supplanted by `shovel-in-the-face' Discovery .   I love that .  



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