Thursday, February 8, 2024

Father ? Thy Will be done .

                             You look at what Smith has ahead of him and ask, "Does he have a chance ?  What are his chances ?"   EZ , slim and no chance at all .   

            Remember that Smith did NOT 'thrust at trump's heart' by accusing him of  Sedition .  He merely 'attacked' with a parry, not aiming for his HEART (a Death Strike) but a parry which is only a Push .   Here the Goal is NOT 'execution in battle' but simply an 'Imbalancing'*  --- a force meant to hobble his efforts, to make him retreat .   

            We now have been BRUTALLY Awakened to the EXTENT of Judicial CORRUPTION .   scotus is EXACTLY 'like trump' UNCONCERNED with the People and caring for ONLY its appearance .   Trump and his have savagely remade scotus in THEIR Image .   

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