Wednesday, February 14, 2024

A-Causal Stupefaction

                            Dr. Joseph Campbell would have us look at trump's Demons in order to secure a better understanding  of  his     Dementia --- certainly,  BUT  how  about  acknowledging  those  whom  he REVERES ??????   Trump is the SERVANT   {SERVE-ANT} of both Hitler and Stalin and I would inject, "Pol Pot"--  remember HIM ????? ... and this servitude includes PUTIN .   Here it is where Human Atrocities are VENERATED as VIRTUOUS .    Plainly :  Cruelty as VIRTUE .   

            This THIS is ALMOST the Why and How of trumpism --- a stellar DISREGARD for normative TRUTH and the INSTINCTUAL Reliance upon A-Causal Stupefaction .


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