Wednesday, February 7, 2024

"Benny and the" Nyets

                             "Nyet" is Russian for no, or not one ~~~  title is from a song by Sir Elton John .

           I wuz-gonna* begin with an offshoot of "Debbie Downer" --->  Benny Bummer ~~~ but in the back of my tiny monkey brain was "Benny and the JETS" .   This is referred to as "tripping over the first line".  

           It is my CONVICTION that "Current Events" is an Ocean of Suffering .    Navigation upon this Ocean is an Exercise in  Dys-Cryption* --- to Decode the Messages of Cosmic Knowledge cloaked in History .    Here,, the so-called "Empty Mirror" is none-other than Reality .   Lately, I have tried to express the Beauty of Truth by 'passing along' pics and images of  >>Red Haired<<  >>  Dakini's  <<  {Red Heads are my Kryptonite} in an effort to alleviate SOME Suffering .  

           I  have  been right-fully accused of being so god-damned [damned by God] NEGATIVE all the time .   I'm GUILTY of course .   But ALL Zen Masters agree :  "Red  comes  in  front,  reflect  Red, Ugliness  comes  in front,  reflect  Ugliness" .   SOME of the Laws of Physics are IMMUTABLE !

            There is this :   Beauty comes in front, reflect Beauty .


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