Wednesday, February 14, 2024

"Tombstone Territory"

                         The depiction of  Miss Justice holding trump's head DOES satisfy Barbarian Steve .   It IS 'short-lived' however, Reality bites .

            Folks have lost their incomes, and with that Financial Loss is the Loss of their Lives --- in this, the forces of Global Capitalism have committed Whole-scale* SLAUGHTER .   But IS the movement of business to overseas facilities a CRIME ????    Of course not  but OF COURSE    IF   You are among the financially slaughtered .   

            Middle America is now the "Rust Belt" .   Industry unburied cadavers litter the heavily defiled Lands like Tombstones in a cemetery, indeed, this IS   "Tombstone Territory" .   

            The people are the "Walking Dead", zombies, with only one cry , "Where is JUSTICE ???"

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