Saturday, February 17, 2024

'Blood Pudding'

                             We all want to believe that there IS an "Once-and-for-all" Finality that can/will actualize "Never to Return".  We'll,,,,, there isn't .   

           There's a famous Zen kong-an {Korean -- koan in Japanese] :   "The 10,000 things return to the One, to where does the One return ?"    This is fairly simplistic because it is directly straight-forward .   Once you 'get-by' that the One MUST Return, it's solves itself  :  =   " the 10,000 things" .

            In this Cemetery we find JB, Hitler, trump, the American Civil War and really ALL WARS .    Hitler is dead but NOT Hitlerism, the same is and will be the Truth of JB and dj .  There IS no TRUE Extinction for them .   We are living in that Proof.  {{{The Proof is in the Pudding}}} .

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