Friday, February 9, 2024


                               What follows are a few sentences from Vasiliev's History of the Byzantine Empire . 

              "His signal service was to raise many interesting questions concerning the internal history of the Byzantine Empire .   Finlay's work is interesting even today, in spite of the fact that he studied Byzantine history only as a preparation for writing a history of modern Greece .

              A man with a keen and observant mind, a student of law and political economy rather than a professional scholar....

              No work produced by either an ordinary scholar or an ordinary politician, Freeman concluded, could eve come near to the native strength and originality of the work of a solitary thinker, studying, using, and recording events of two thousand years in order to solve the problems which he saw at his own door .

             [Finlay's distinction]  ...the attempt to explain by means of ancient survivals in the present time, analogous phenomena in the Past . "

             Truly     I want to resemble those remarks .

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