Tuesday, February 20, 2024


                              Pirsig had given a writing assignment to is students--something about the architecture of a building... .  It gave this one girl, fits and starts .   Within a week she'd visited Pirsig almost everyday, complaining she just couldn't find anything to write about .  Out of frustration he told her >ONE BRICK-WRITE ABOUT ONE BRICK< ,  a couple of days late she returned, this time with TWENTY-FIVE PAGES and plopped* it on his desk .   She flared, "HERE'S YOUR BRICK".

            The word, "Focus" gets us to 'There' .   It's  all  she  needed  to "hone-in" on  just  ONE  'thing' .   Writing in a Journal or Diary helps you to "get there" where 'there' is a Space of Information .   What Journaling does is CONCRETIZE {to make Concrete} your thoughts, to make the Invisible VISIBLE .  The Act of Writing IS --->  Focusing .   You can LITERALLY "see your Mind" .  

            You might ask, "What about 'Actions speak LOUDER than words' ? " .   There is a 'default' Position :  it is this --->  "The Ink of Scholars is MORE Valuable than the Blood of Martyrs" .   There is a certain amount of Nobility in Journaling* .   I treasure that .

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