Tuesday, February 13, 2024

"No Mind, no matter. No matter, no Mind"

                              I can't 'get goin' '.   Titles and stories and themes, oh my .   I've spent the last several days rearranging the books according to their topics .   I've wished that THAT would ease me into a rwiter's* equilibrium wherein as least SOME text can "arrive" with safety .   My Problem is and always has been one thing :  Moodiness .    I am chained to my own Moods .   One word :  not good .

            There's this :  "To be subject to one's `moods and fancies` ...  further I would add, "fits and starts".

             There is also a point at which you stop "Aging" and start "Approaching Death" --  extreme but Real .  I may be close ... I mean I don't WANT "to be close" but what I WANT doesn't matter .  So, I'm continually questioning myself, "What DOES Matter ?"  {It's like a Zen 'knog-an' {Jap. koan} .


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